Our Highest Ranked Baby Products

What are the highest ranked baby product brands if you want to get money out of politics?

We’ve got the answers!

If you’ve been a Goods Unite Us fan for a while now, you’ll be delighted to get your hands on the newest, very cool, version of our app. One of the upgrades it includes is the ability to search and see rankings of brands by category, whereas the first version only allowed you to search by brand name.

In other words, you can now pick “board games,” “appliances” or “beer,” for example, and we’ll rank all of the relevant companies in those categories for you by Campaign Finance Reform Score. (If you want more information on how our Campaign Finance Reform Score is calculated, you can read about it here.)

Today’s blog post utilizes that new feature, and the category is baby products. Here are the highest and lowest ranked baby product brands by Campaign Finance Reform Score:

Highest Ranked Baby Product Brands

Nutramigen (Reckitt Benckiser): Campaign Finance Reform Score = 100. Nutramigen makes minimal political donations. Full stop. So their score is 100.

Carter’s: CFR Score = 100. Another reason to love Carter’s — the company and its senior employees make minimal political contributions.

Enfamil (Reckitt Benckiser): CFR Score = 100. Another Good formula to support!

Medela: CFR Score = 90. Medela not only makes awesome pumps, but along with its senior employees, the company also contributes an overall low level of money to politicians and PACs and 100% to Democrats. Yet another reason to breast feed!

Seventh Generation: CFR Score = 75. Seventh Generation and its senior employees contribute an overall low level of money to politicians and PACs at a breakdown that is 100% Democrat. We’ll take it.

Lowest Ranked Baby Product Brands

Babganics (SC Johnson & Son): CFR Score = -60. Don’t let the name fool you. Babyganics’ owners and its senior employees contribute a medium level of money to politicians and PACs and 85% of that goes to Republicans.

Baby George (Wal-Mart): CFR Score = -58. As we’ve reported before, Wal-Mart and its senior employees love to play politics: they contribute a very high level of money and 58% of that is to Republican politicians and PACs.

Parent’s Choice (Wal-Mart): CFR Score = -58. Yet another baby product owned by Wal-Mart.

Comforts For Baby (Kroger): CFR Score = -46. Kroger and its senior employees contribute a medium level of money to politics and at a rate that’s 71% Republican.

Pampers (Procter & Gamble): CFR Score = -44. Cincinnati-based P&G owns a lot of products, including Pampers. P&G and its senior employees also contribute a very high level of cash to politicians and PACs at a breakdown that’s 54% Republican and 46% Democrat.

Shopping for your baby can be overwhelming. We get it — you want what’s best for baby AND what’s best for society. Luckily, there’s an app for that.