Here Are The 25 Worst Companies To Do Business With If You Support Campaign Finance Reform

A large majority of people in this country support campaign finance reform. In August of 2017, Ipsos conducted a poll of 350 Democrats, 348 Republicans, and 220 Independents for the Center for Public Integrity. The results were unequivocal:

“Given the chance to change the campaign finance system, a majority of Americans (57%) would place limits on the amount of money super PACs can raise and spend. This change is especially popular among Democrats, where nearly two thirds (65%) support limiting super PACs fundraising and spending.”

And, in April of 2018, a Pew Research Center poll came to a similar conclusion. An overwhelming majority of Americans — a whopping 77% — support limits on how much money individuals and organizations can spend on political campaigns and issues.

What Can We Do About It?

At Goods Unite Us, our mission is to get money — particularly corporate cash — out of politics. But given the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision and the current Congressional haplessness, a change in this country’s campaign finance laws is not going to happen anytime soon.

That’s why we’ve decided to take matters into our own hands.

We’ve decided as a company to do our absolute best to make it as easy as possible for everyone to know the politics of every company and brand, and if they so desire, to shop (or not shop) with each accordingly.

Our website and app have easily searchable political donation information on nearly four thousand brands and companies. And we’ve calculated a Campaign Finance Reform Score for each company and brand on a scale of -100 to +100; the higher the score, the more likely that doing business with that company will lead to meaningful campaign finance reform in this country. (To find out more about how we calculate the Campaign Finance Reform Score, go here).

Out of all of the thousands of companies and brands in our database, we figured out which were the the worst. These are the companies and brands that put a lot of money into politics and also support politicians that like keeping money in politics.

So, without further ado, below is our ranking of the worst companies to do business with if you support campaign finance reform. These are ranked based on Campaign Finance Reform Score (and if there was a tie, we broke the tie based on the total amount of money given to both parties).

The Top 25 Companies Most Undermining Campaign Finance Reform

1. Uline (-100)
2. Koch Industries (-99)
3. Las Vegas Sands (-99)
4. Amway (-99)
5. Pilot Flying J (-99)
6. Marathon Petroleum (-96)
7. Station Casinos (-93)
8. FirstEnergy (-90)
9. Houston Texans (-90)
10. Humana (-90)
11. Western Refining (-89)
12. JW Childs (-89)
13. National Rifle Association (-88)
14. Wynn Resorts (-88)
15. Reyes Holdings (-88)
16. XPO Logistics (-88)
17. Exxon Mobil (-87)
18. Regal Entertainment (-87)
19. Fifth Third Bank (-86)
20. Zurich Financial (-86)
21. First Data (-85)
22. Valero Energy (-85)
23. KeyCorp (-84)
24. Halliburton Company (-84)
25. Zippo (-83)